You are going to LOVE living here with rents as low as $1,600 a month!

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Below, we’ve gathered some helpful resident resources and quick responses to any questions you might have. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us at the main office.



  • If I clear quarters before deployment, do I have priority on the wait list when I return?

    • No, the date you reapply for housing is your new eligibility date.

  • If I currently live on base, do I need any additional information regarding my deployment?

    • Yes, please leave a point of contact with a power of attorney in case there are any issues.

  • If I’m a single parent and deployed, can I appoint someone to occupy my home and take care of my children?

    • Yes, but documentation is required for your file, including an Exception to Policy document with point of contact information, a copy of the Special Power of Attorney, and paperwork demonstrating temporary guardianship of your child/children to your appointee.

  • What if I’m deployed and my family wants to visit for an extended period of time?

    • Your spouse must come into our office and fill out our Point of Contact form. This lists phone numbers where he or she can be reached as well as a local contact for emergencies.

  • What do I do if my allotment for BAH has stopped for any reason?

    • Unless you've properly cleared your quarters the allotment will automatically start back up the next month. However, any past due rent for the month in which your allotment was stopped is due immediately. Payment can be made directly at the Dover Family Housing office. Please contact our office if this occurs.

  • What should I do if I decide to move off base before or during my deployment?

    • We require written documentation of your deployment status stating you are deployed for more than 60 days as well as a proper 30-day written notice to vacate. If the Service Member is not available the spouse will need a Power of Attorney to submit documentation.

  • What are the requirements for vacating my home?

    • Submit a proper 45-day written notice prior to your lease expiration date. A 60-day written notice, which begins the first of the following month, is required before vacating quarters for any reason other than change in personal status, PCS, separation, retirement, deployment, etc. In the case of deployment, PCS, etc., contact our office at least 30 days prior to your expected departure date; we will assist you in the necessary steps to vacate housing.

  • What happens if my name is called on the wait list while I’m deployed?

    • Your spouse will need Power of Attorney in order to sign for quarters on post, start the allotment for BAH, and pay the prorated rent. Please make sure we have contact numbers for your spouse. You’ll also need to make sure your spouse knows how to contact and set up your transportation appointment.

  • How does the waiting list process work?

    • You may apply for housing when you have a hard copy of your orders in hand. You will be placed on our waiting list based on your arrival date, grade, and the size of home for which you qualify. We will refer homes as they become available.

  • How does the Assignment process work?

    • You can complete the online application here or apply at the Dover Family Housing Office in person.

  • Can a family be moved from a three bedroom to a two bedroom if they only have one child?

    • No. Once a resident is settled in, they cannot be downgraded.

  • What happens if my family size increases?

    • Visit the Family Housing Management Office to request a Quarters to Quarters Move (MBQ) to a larger unit. If a larger unit is not immediately available you will be placed on the proper wait list. Please be aware moves of this type are at the service member’s expense.

  • Miscellaneous Questions

  • Are RVs and boats allowed?

    • The parking of RVs, boats, trailers, etc., is not allowed within family housing unless the vehicle is being used for loading or unloading. Loading or unloading is limited to no more than 24 hours and must not obstruct traffic.

  • Who will be performing maintenance service requests for the privatized housing, and will I be charged?

    • Our fully bonded maintenance staff will be resolving all service requests for residents. Hunt Companies provides a 24-hour a day service line where you’ll talk to a real person to provide the details of your request. We will even take care of your request if you cannot take time off from your busy schedule to be in your home.   Residents are liable for any damage that is determined to be in excess of normal wear and tear of a home. The cost of repairs or replacement of equipment, resulting from damage in excess of normal wear and tear, will be the responsibility of the resident. A damage cost sheet can be obtained from the community management office.

      Click here to submit a maintenance request online.

  • How do I contact Maintenance if I have a maintenance service request?

    • You can submit a request online or contact our 24-hour a day service line at 302-337-4700.

  • Pets

  • What is the pet policy?

    • The number of domesticated pets in a home is limited to two - no chickens or ducks. The following aggressive breeds are not permitted: Akitas, Alaskan Malamutes, Chow Chow, Doberman Pinscher,  Great Danes, Mastiffs, Pit Bull (American Staffordshire Bull Terrier or English Staffordshire Bull Terrier), Presa Canarios, Rottweiler and wolf hybrids. There is a $250 refundable pet deposit per household. 2 pet max. 

  • Rent Payments

  • How does BAH work for families where both spouses are military members?

    • Both members will receive BAH. The senior member receives it at the with-dependent rate while the junior member receives it at the without-dependent rate. Under current Department of Defense rules only the senior member's BAH at the with-dependent rate is used to calculate the rent amount. The family may keep the BAH of the junior member.

      This only applies if the mil to mil family has a dependant. If the mil to mil family does not have a dependant then they only receive the single BAH rate each.

  • What does my rent include? .

    • Your rent includes all normal monthly expenses, except electric and gas utilities

  • If my rent is late, do I need to pay a late fee?

    • Yes, late fees apply for rent and all other charges that are not paid in a timely manner.

  • How much is my rent?

    • Your rent is the BAH you receive minus the Utility Allowance. BAH is based on rank and area of assignment not on the size of the home.

  • What happens if I earn a promotion or if I’m demoted during the lease period?

    • Rent will be increased or decreased within the annual rate change on January 1st of each year in conjunction with the establishment of the new BAH rates.

  • What is the eviction policy?

    • Residents may be evicted for non-payment, egregious acts, or failure to follow Community Policies. The Command is involved in ALL eviction proceedings

  • Is BAH counted as income? Specifically, will it affect the cost of day care?

    • BAH is an entitlement and is not counted as taxable income. However, it will be included in gross income which means programs based on an individual's gross income may be affected.

  • Who is responsible for answering my payment questions?

    • You may direct your questions to any of the Dover Family Housing office staff.

  • Am I going to lose money if the current year BAH amount for my grade and ZIP code is less than I was getting last year?

    • No. BAH rate protection does not allow reductions in housing allowances as long as the Service Member maintains uninterrupted eligibility for BAH. If your duty assignment station, your rank, and your family status do not change you will always receive the higher BAH amount.

  • Can I ever lose BAH rate protection?

    • The following circumstances change your status and interrupt your eligibility for the allowance: if you are promoted or demoted your rate protection resets for your new rank; if your dependency status changes your rate protection is adjusted to the new status.

  • Will rent be pro-rated if I move out before or after the last day of the month?

    • Yes. Rent is assessed only for the days that you live in housing.

  • How will I pay rent?

    • For Service Members in the Army, Navy, and Air Force the rent is paid by allotment. We utilize Military Assistance Company (MAC), an organization approved by the military services to manage the allotment process. Your BAH on your LES is an entitlement and is listed as a payment to Dover Family Housing. The advantages of payment by allotment are that you will not be required to pay a security deposit and your rent will be due in arrears. For example, your January rent is received on February 1st.

      For Service Members in the Marines payment by Allotment still applies, but you are responsible for filling out an Allotment Form (DD Form 2558) and forwarding your copy of the form to your finance administrator. We also need a copy of the form for our files.

      Service Members in the Coast Guard are responsible for filling out an Allotment Worksheet (CG PSC-2040). Dover Family Housing requires a copy of the PSC-2040 and it is the resident's responsibility to deliver the original signed PSC-2040 to the PERSRU Office for initiation of the rent allotment. We also require a copy of the form for our files.

  • How does military housing privatization affect a service member’s Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)?

    • Privatization does not affect the amount of BAH that is paid to the service member. Prior to privatization, service members did not receive BAH if they lived in military housing. Under the Military Housing Privatization Initiative, all service members choosing to live in privatized military housing receive their BAH and use the BAH to pay the privatized housing provider. The rent payment (usually equal to BAH) will be automatically transferred to Dover Family Housing at the end of each month; this process will be performed and monitored by Military Assistance Company, LLC (MAC), the world's largest processor of automatic payroll deductions for military and civil service employees. The BAH is used by the company to maintain and operate the existing housing, as well as to fund the construction of the new houses and amenities.

  • How is an individual’s BAH entitlement and rent allotment determined?

    • The government determines the service member's BAH based on the cost of similar rental property near the base, typical utilities, and his/her rank. An allotment from the service member's account is set up upon lease signing to pay rent.

  • Foreign students don’t receive BAH and cannot utilize paying by allotment, so how will foreign students pay their rent?

    • Foreign students will pay rent monthly by check or money order, made payable to Dover Family Housing.

  • Utilities

  • Will I have to pay utilities?

    • The utility allowance portion of your BAH will cover all or part of your electric and gas utilities. Trash, recycling collection, water, and sewer services are provided by Dover Family Housing at no cost to residents.